How To Use Your Grad Cap To Get a Job
To some, a custom graduation cap is a unique way to make the ceremony and celebration your own but to others, it’s a way to recruit yourself. You never know who’s amongst the thousands of people standing in the audience and wearing a custom graduation cap can be a great way to get noticed. Who knows? Your future boss may be looking on.
Graphic Design
If you’re going into a career that is highly focused on visuals and/or your creativity, you simply can’t attend your graduation ceremony in a boring ole’ black grad cap. Custom grad caps allow you to instantly stand out from the crowd and with your future career in mind, it can also be an excellent way to show off what you do best.
Take this aspiring graphic designer for an example. She used her talent to create a custom grad cap that tells potential employers (people in the crowd and social media) what she does. Without this grad cap idea, she’s just another person graduation. But now, she is captivating the minds of people who may be looking for a graphic designer. It’s genius.
Teacher for Hire
It doesn’t get much more straight forward than this. If you’re eager to get out into the working world, then any grad cap ideas that say “hire me” are an excellent option for you. This one is great because it provides necessary details needed for potential employers to take interest and to find you if interested. For example, they instantly have the graduates name, college, degree, and what she does. Anyone who is looking to hire a teacher is certain to take notice of these kind of grad cap ideas.
Job Offers
This grad cap idea is unique from all the rest in the sense that it doesn’t scream, “I need a job!” Although, you don’t need a graduation cap to say that because everyone knows, after graduation, you are desperate to start paying off those school loans.
The Hunger Games idea on this graduation cap also keeps the theme and aesthetics fun and creative, while also showing off your unique personality. So, it’s a win.
Hire Me
Remember when we said you can’t get any more straightforward than the other graduation cap ideas? Well, we lied. This is as straight forward as it gets!
Wearing a custom grad cap is a smart way to showcase your talent and land a job, especially if you’re in a career where visuals matter. We share all the graduation cap ideas across social media, to give you an even better chance of being spotted – quite literally. Start designing your grad cap today at Tassel Toppers.
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